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The Suitcase & The Jar: Travels with a Daughter's Ashes

When a brain tumour takes the life of Becky Livingston’s twenty-three-year-old daughter Rachel, her life makes an unconventional turn. Rachel,...

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Confusion Assessment Method (CAM)

CAM was intended to provide a new standardized method to enable nonpsychiatrically trained clinicians to identify delirium quickly and accurately...

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Aboriginal (Canada) Palliative Care - Communication within the Family

Video, produced by the Pallium Project and available free-of-charge online, is intended to promote reflection and discussion around communication and planning goals...

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Quality Palliative Care in Long Term Care: A Community-University Research Alliance

The Quality Palliative Care in Long Term Care Alliance is comprised of 38 organizational partners and 27 researchers who will...

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The Long Hello: Memory, My Mother, and Me

A stirring memoir of a daughter caring for a mother with dementia that is sure to become a touchstone for...

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The Canadian Researchers at the End of Life Network (CARENET) is a group of health care professionals from across the...

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Guided Mindfulness Meditation [Audiobook CD]

This CD set is an excellent introduction to meditation. Contains 4 meditations with his clear directions and suggestions throughout. His encouragement and...

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Principes directeurs pour les medecins qui recommandent à leurs patients des applications mobiles sur las santé

Ce document présente aux médecins des renseignements de base sur la façon d’évaluer
une application mobile afin de la recommander ou...

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Dementia: NICE-SCIE guidelines for supporting people with dementia and their carers





The guideline is divided into chapters, each covering a set of related topics. The first chapter is an executive...

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Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association - Position Statement re Euthanasia & Physician-assisted Suicide

The position statement of the Canadian Hospice Palliative Care Association.


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