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Ambiguous Loss and Grief in Dementia

This resource is meant to help the caregiver gain a better understanding of how loss and grief can affect them...

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Registre Canadien de Deuil

Aider à arrêter le courrier direct indésirable et les appels téléphoniques au défunt.

En moyenne, une personne décédée continuera à recevoir...

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Palliative Care Educational Guide for Health Professionals-Fort McPherson

Providing culturally respectful end-of-life care can be a difficult task. However, going into a situation with a better understanding of...

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Elizz - All Things Caregiving

Website with resources and offers 'live' chat line for caregivers.


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Taking Time: Support for People With Cancer

Hearing that you have cancer changes your life, and the lives of those around you. The booklet discusses the many...

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Canadian Strategy for Cancer Control: Doing Together What Cannot Be Done Alone

Une feuille de route sur 10 ans visant à améliorer l’équité au sein du système de lutte contre le cancer...

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Dying, Dignity, and New Horizons in Palliative End-of-Life Care

 This article provides an overview of the physical, psychosocial, existential and spiritual challenges that people will face when they are...

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The Palliative Care Bridge

The Palliative Care Bridge is an Australian based website dedicated to providing information and resources to support health care professionals...

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The Palliative Care Formulary 3rd edition

The Palliative Care Formulary is established as a comprehensive compendium of essential therapeutic information about drugs commonly used in palliative...

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Dementia Comics - There's no bus map for dementia

A story about living well with dementia. Artists and people living with dementia worked collaboratively on this project to find...

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