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Holiday on Hospice: Celebrating Hanukkah at the End-of-Life

This blog entry on Crossroads Hospice website shares tips on how to celebrate Hannukah in a hospice setting.


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Settling the Estate

Important considerations when settling an estate following death.


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British Columbia - Advanced Health Directives

This website provides key information related to advance health care planning in British Columbia including a downloadable form to create your...

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Caring Bridge

CaringBridge provides free websites that connect people experiencing a significant health challenge to family and friends, making each health journey...

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BC Cancer - Serious illness conversation guide

A conversation guide for healthcare professionals when communicating with their patients about serious illness.


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A Clinical Guide on Supportive and Palliative Care for People with HIV/AIDS

This manual is organized to address the many aspects of palliative care that are key in caring for the person...

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Guidelines Resource Centre: SAGE Directory of Cancer Guidelines

A comprehensive searchable database of English language cancer guidelines and standards released since 2003 that are rated for quality of...

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Stress is a normal part of life, but at times it may be too much and feel out of control. ...

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Assessing Pain in Older Adults with Dementia

A tool for assessing pain with cognitively impaired older persons and information on its use. 


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Jugement de la Cour suprême du Canada sur le suicide médicalement assisté

Jugement de la Cour suprême du Canada sur le suicide médicalement assisté, février 2015.


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