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Position Statement: Occupational therapy and end-of-life care

Information sur l’exercice de la profession liée au rôle de l’ergothérapeute en soins palliatifs, y compris la prise de position...

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Who To Talk To For Support

Suggestions of questions and who might be able to help.


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The role of chaplains in public institutions: Experiences from Muslim Communities

The role of chaplains in public institutions: Experiences from Muslim Communities


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Prince Edward Island - Health Care Directive

Health care directives, sometimes called living wills, are documents that state your wishes in case you become unable to make...

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Dying Well: Peace and Possibilities

Dr. Byock, a palliative care physician, shares his personal experiences and philosophy of caring for the dying. Volunteers have found...

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Lost Innocence: Dealing with the Death of a Young Child

In this video you will meet three parents who have experienced the death of a young child. The parents speak...

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Supporting Parenting Through Illness & Grief

This one page handout provides an overview of the findings from a research study of 71 parent caregivers. It discusses...

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Un aidant naturel sur six éprouve de la détresse

Selon une nouvelle étude publiée aujourd’hui par l’Institut canadien d’information sur la santé (ICIS), une personne sur six dispensant des...

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Dignity in Care

Dignity in Care provides practical ideas and tools to support a culture of compassion and respect throughout the health care...

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La version révisée de l'échelle d'évaluation des symptômes d'Edmonton (EESE-r)

L'échelle d'évaluation des symptômes d'Edmonton (EESE), mise au point par le programme régional de soins palliatifs d’Edmonton (Alberta), est un...

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