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Feeding problems are common in advanced dementia, triggering decision-making about options of tube feeding, assisted oral feeding, and feeding for...
Links to comprehensive cancer control resources for health care professionals. In a collaborative effort, NCI and the Canadian Partnership Against Cancer...
Palliative and end of life care refer to the care of people who have an incurable and progressive illness. This
La production du présent guide a été rendue possible grâce à l’aide financière de
Santé Canada, par l’intermédiaire du...
The CANHELP (Canadian Health Care Evaluation Project) questionnaire was originally designed/ used by researchers to measure end-of-life care satisfaction. It is now also...
Screening tool developed by BC Cancer Agency to help identify information and support needs of patients and families.
...A general guide meant to describe beliefs and practices generally found within a particular cultural or religious group. It is important...
The Canadian Partnership Against Cancer hosted a National Forum on First Nations, Inuit and Métis cancer control. The report contains...
BC Cancer MAiD resource which includes FAQs and additional links.
...This presentation from the Spiritual Care Summit 09 outlines Muslim perspectives on dying, death, and life after death. Kermalli highlights...