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These Pediatric Pain and Symptom Management Guidelines by the Dana Farber Cancer Institute/Boston Children’s Hospital are for health care providers...
These best practice guidelines are a result of a collaboration of the following organizations: The BC Centre for Palliative Care,...
This webinar from the Brain Tumour Foundation discusses the various treatment options for people with brain metastases.
Dr. Larry Librach was a well known leader in the field of Palliative Care, including being the Director of the...
La Fondation Émergence offre à travers son programme Pour que vieillir soit gai des formations de sensibilisation à la diversité...
In a major national effort to integrate and improve palliative care in the ICU, the Center to Advance Palliative Care...
Open access to health evidence journals by Public Health Agency of Canada, this edition (31(1) December 2010 is a co-publication of 'Chronic Diseases in...
We know that individuals who have conversations with their clinicians about their values, goals and wishes are more likely to...
Le degré de charge ressenti par les proches qui s’occupent d’une personne atteinte d’une maladie chronique nécessitant des soins à...
This document originally released in 2002 and revised in 2013 outlines a framework to support the implementation of high quality...