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Opioid Neurotoxicity- Back to Basics

This presentation explains the definition of opioid neurotoxicity, who is most at risk, treatment, and highlights some case studies.


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Heart Failure Symptom Management Guideline: Anorexia/Cachexia

This clinical practice guideline has been developed to support health care providers who are assessing symptoms of anorexia and cachexia...

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Planification préalable des soins : appuyer les hommes atteints du cancer de la prostate, leur partenaire, leurs proches et leurs aidants

Le projet sur la planification préalable des soins collabore avec Cancer de la prostate Canada dans le cadre d’un nouveau...

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Crossing Boundaries: Issues for hospice palliative care volunteers

This research synopsis highlights the need for education, policies and procedures related to boundary issues in volunteer management, as well...

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Interprofessional education in palliative and end of life care course free modules

These modules teach fundamental clinical communication skills taken from the full de Souza Interprofessional Education in Palliative and End of...

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Life and Death Matters (Education Resources)

Free online educational resources - podcasts, powerpoint presentations, an instructors's manual, and many more resources for your own education or...

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Improving End-of-Life Care in First Nations Communities

The research team,led by Dr. Mary Lou Kelley, Lakehead University,would like to acknowledge and thank the four First Nations community...

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The Public Health Approach to Palliative Care: Principles, Models, and International Perspectives

A White Paper commissioned by the BC Centre for Palliative Care to provide an evidence base for the effectiveness of...

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