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A Physician's Guide to the Management of Huntington Disease

Provides a comprehensive overview of symptoms and management strategies.



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Loss, grief and growth: Educational project inc.

Intended to help educators support students in their classroom who have experiences involving loss and grief, particularly associated with death,...

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Being Present : A Nurse's Resource for End-of-Life Communication

This E-book, based on nursing research, offer strategies to help nurses talk with patients and families about their needs, hopes,...

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A palliative approach to care - conversation guide for long term care team

Long Term Care Conversation Guide for Nurses and Social Workers. Developed by the Island Health Palliative and End of Life...

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Symptom Management Guideline: Cancer- Related Fatigue and Anemia

This clinical practice guideline discusses contributing factors, consequences, assessment and management for patients experiencing cancer-related fatigue and anemia.


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Knowing What To Say

Knowing What To Say --- "Speaking With Patients About Spirituality & Exploring Verbal Responses to Spiritual Pain" is an educational lecture...

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End-of-Life Framework: Recommendations for a Provincial EOL Care Strategy

"The need for end-of-life (EOL) care strategies is also being triggered by advances in dialysis that make it increasingly difficult...

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Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator (ICD) Deactivation Algorithm

This algorithm has been developed to support health care providers in decision manking in assessing when to deactivate an ICD...

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Cannabis for Non-cancer Conditions

Dr. Paul Daeninck provides an overview of the use of cannabis for non-cancer conditions. Dr. Daeninck sits on the Board...

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Utilisez ce questionnaire pour noter vos symptômes, à quel moment vous les avez ressentis et comment vous les avez traités....

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