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CHPCA Pediatric Resource Commons

The Pediatric Resource Commons has been created as a repository for resources related to pediatric hospice palliative and end-of-life care.


Lire la Suite
Frontal Behaviour Inventory

This tool has been created for healthcare providers to assess for changes in behaviour and personality in patients with dementia...

Lire la Suite
Talking about sex, sexuality and relationships: guidance and standards

Developed in partnership by Together for Short Lives and the Open University Sexuality Alliance, ‘Talking about sex, sexuality and relationships:...

Lire la Suite
Caring for Your Parents

Caring for Your Parents is a US website (© 2008 WGBH Educational Foundation) which contains a wealth of online resources...

Lire la Suite is an online resource to help people work through their grief from the comfort of their own home, at...

Lire la Suite
End-of-Life Care and Pragmatic Decision Making A Bioethical Perspective

A pragmatic philosophical framework based on a radically empirical attitude toward life and death.  D. Micah Hester takes seriously the...

Lire la Suite
Ottawa Personal Decision Guide

Il peut aider les personnes à déterminer les décisions qu’elles ont besoin de prendre, à planifier les prochaines étapes et...

Lire la Suite
Nausea & Vomiting in Children

This webinar from the Pediatric Palliative Care Service IWK Health Centre discusses the assessment and management of nausea and vomiting...

Lire la Suite
When Autumn Comes: Creating Compassionate Care for the Dying

Based on her years of experience as a hospice volunteer, the author offers practical advice and thoughtful reflection on the...

Lire la Suite is an American website which provides  palliative care information for people coping with serious, complex illness. Key components of...

Lire la Suite