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Pain, suffering, and spiritual assessment

A clinical tool that helps health care providers obtain a spiritual history that can help patients and their caregivers further...

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Suicide: Assessment Considerations for Health Care Providers

Presentation by advisor for Virtual Hospice clinical team reviews points to consider in assessing suicide risk.


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Initiative nationale pour le soin des personnes âgées (INSPA)

Le but global est la diffusion des résultats de recherches et des pratiques exemplaires en matière de soins aux aînés....

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Inter-Professional Spiritual Care Engagement Tool (SCET)

This educational package has self-directed learning options for health care providers to gain an understanding of spiritual care and how...

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Quality Palliative Care in Long-Term Care: Self-Assessment Checklist

Organizational self assessment tool developed to assess whether key structural, process, and outcome components are present in a given long-term care...

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Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale – Palliative version (RASS-PAL)

This one-page Richmond Agitation-Sedation Scale – Palliative version (RASS-PAL) tool was adopted for clinical use by Interior Health, BC (2020)...

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Tools to Support Earlier Identification for Palliative Care - Ontario Palliative Care Network

The aim of this document is to support providers and system level leadership in earlier identification of patients who would...

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Victoria Respiratory Congestion Scale (VRCS)

Assessment tool for respiratory congestion in end-of-life care, published in Medical Care of the Dying (2006) textbook, and shared under...

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