Tout Afficher: Assessment tools
The Brain Tumour Foundation of Canada provides information and resources on adult and pediatric brain tumours. They have developed a...
Based on the Canadian Consensus document by Librach et al (2010), the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority Palliative Care Program created...
A tool for assessing pain with cognitively impaired older persons and information on its use.
...CAM was intended to provide a new standardized method to enable nonpsychiatrically trained clinicians to identify delirium quickly and accurately...
The CANHELP (Canadian Health Care Evaluation Project) questionnaire was originally designed/ used by researchers to measure end-of-life care satisfaction. It is now also...
Screening tool developed by BC Cancer Agency to help identify information and support needs of patients and families.
...A social history is a compilation of biographical information about an individual. It may include questions about an individual's unique...
Le dépistage de la détresse, le 6ième signe vital, est l’un des moteurs de l’évolution vers un modèle de soins...
Based on Dr Seow's research, this guide will help to build your community palliative care program.
Free online educational resources - podcasts, powerpoint presentations, an instructors's manual, and many more resources for your own education or...