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Tout Afficher: Spirituality

Spiritual Care at the End of Life: A systematic review of the literature

This report sets out the findings of a literature review of spiritual care at the end of life conducted by...

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Guidelines for Spiritual Care Practitioners and Psycho-Spiritual Therapists in Responding to Inquiries Regarding Medical Assistance in Dying (MAID)

This document will help the reader (1) understand the position of Canadian Association for Spirirtual Care (CASC) on how we...

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The George Washington Institute for Spirituality and Health

GWish is an American organization focusing on education and clinical issues related to spirituality and health. Incorporates research, education, and...

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Draft Spiritual Support and Bereavement Care Quality Markers and Measures for End of Life Care

The content of this document published by the National Institute for Health and Clinical Evidence (NICE) has been drafted on...

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Pain, suffering, and spiritual assessment

A clinical tool that helps health care providers obtain a spiritual history that can help patients and their caregivers further...

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Dignity Therapy: Final Words for Final Days

An introduction to Dr Chochinov's pioneering and innovative work related to dignity therapy, this book provides the history, foundations, and...

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Inter-Professional Spiritual Care Engagement Tool (SCET)

This educational package has self-directed learning options for health care providers to gain an understanding of spiritual care and how...

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Spiritual Care Recommendations for People from Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) Groups Receiving Palliative Care in the UK

This report focuses on the spiritual and cultural dimensions of palliative care, providing recommendations for improving care for underserved groups....

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Le cerf-volant de mon père

Le cerf-volant de mon père établit un rapprochement entre la complexité des émotions reliées au deuil et le cycle sans...

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Cultural & Spiritual Sensitivity: A Learning Module for Health Care Professionals

A self-learning module to understand one's own cultural and spiritual beliefs and to assist in providing culturally sensitive care. A companion to...

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