Tout Afficher: Advance care planning / Decision making
This document will help the reader (1) understand the position of Canadian Association for Spirirtual Care (CASC) on how we...
Position de l’Association médicale canadienne sur la décision de la Cour suprême du Canada, février 2015, concernant les sauvegardes et...
This book addresses the role of ethnicity in health decision-making in America. This book focuses on how clinicians caring for...
This pamphlet was made to help persons with Advanced Frailty and their families know what to expect at the end...
Talking Mats®, developed at the University of Stirling, are a low tech communication framework involving sets of symbols to assist...
Decision making regarding cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is challenging. This study examined the effect of a video decision support tool on...
The Palliative Care Program of the Winnipeg Regional Health Authority has developed " Guidelines for Discharge Planning for First Nations...
Le but global est la diffusion des résultats de recherches et des pratiques exemplaires en matière de soins aux aînés....
Provincial website provides public information on a number of topics including Living Wills, Consent to Care, Mandates in Anticipation of Incapacity,...
The Nova Scotia Department of Justice has a personal care directive form and information available online at the above website.