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Tout Afficher: Advance care planning / Decision making

Facing Death (Frontline documentary)

Facing Death (Frontline documentary)
PBS Broadcast "Facing Death" - Available to view on-line

This documentary takes a closer look at today's complicated end-of-life...

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End-of-Life Care and Pragmatic Decision Making A Bioethical Perspective

A pragmatic philosophical framework based on a radically empirical attitude toward life and death.  D. Micah Hester takes seriously the...

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Ottawa Personal Decision Guide

Il peut aider les personnes à déterminer les décisions qu’elles ont besoin de prendre, à planifier les prochaines étapes et...

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LGBT End-of-Life Conversations

A website dedicated to fostering effective communication, create community and facilitate care for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered persons at...

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The Use of Intubation and Mechanical Ventilation for Severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: A Decision Aid for Patients

This booklet gives easy to understand information about the risks and benefits of mechanical ventilation to assist patients and families...

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Quebec - Consent to Care

Under Quebec civil law, the mandate in case of inability (or incapacity) is broader than the advanced directives for consent...

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British Columbia - Organ Donation

Information about organ donation for palliative care patients in British Columbia available on the Victoria Hospice Society website.


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Jugement de la Cour suprême du Canada sur le suicide médicalement assisté

Jugement de la Cour suprême du Canada sur le suicide médicalement assisté, février 2015.


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Nova Scotia - Advance Directives

Website and free downloadable information brochure developed by the Health Law Institute at Dalhousie University.



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Planification préalable des soins : appuyer les hommes atteints du cancer de la prostate, leur partenaire, leurs proches et leurs aidants

Le projet sur la planification préalable des soins collabore avec Cancer de la prostate Canada dans le cadre d’un nouveau...

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