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Tout Afficher: Advance care planning / Decision making

CHPCA Advance Care Planning Resource Commons

The Advance Care Planning Resource Commons has been created as a repository for uploading and sharing resources to reach out...

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The Palliative Approach for Advanced Dementia in Long Term Care

This pamphlet was made to help persons with Dementia and their families know what to expect at the end of...

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Indigenous Voices

First Nations, Inuit and Métis share stories about living with serious illness and grief in over 170 short video clips....

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Just Ask (Pocket card): Talking to Patients and Families About Advance Care Planning

This pocket card is a companion to the framework, "Just Ask: a conversation guide for goals of care discussions". It...

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Document de réflexion de l’ACSP sur le suicide médicalement assisté

Document de réflexion de l’Association canadienne de soins palliatifs sur le suicide médicalement assisté. 2010


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BC: Advance Care Planning Guide

Advance Care Planning Guide titled My Voice - Expressing My Wishes for Future Health Care Treatment is a free downloadable...

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The Palliative Approach for Advanced Heart Failure in Long Term Care

This pamphlet was made to help persons with Heart Failure and their families know what to expect at the end...

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Decision Making Near the End of Life: Issues, Developments and Future Directions

This book is written by health care practitioners and provides a comprehensive overview of decision making in end-of-life care. Pertinent...

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Advance Care Planning Evaluation in Elderly Patients

The ACCEPT study evaluated the quantity and quality of ACP from the perspective of over 500 patients and family members in...

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Nova Scotia - It's in Your Hands: Legal Information for Seniors and Their Families

Concise and informative guide addresses important topics including Guardianship, Wills, Funeral Planning, Power of Attorney, Public Trustee, Health Care Treatment...

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