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First Nations Inuit Metis (FNIM) Program Resource Toolkit

Our Aboriginal programs work to improve cancer care for Ontario’s First Nations, Métis and Inuit people. These programs are...

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Cancer Word Book with Severn Ojibwe (Oji-Cree) Equivalents

  Produced to promote communication when caring for First Nations people who speak Oji-Cree.


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African American Grief

By capturing stories and observing practices, the authors reveal how racism affects quality of life, the manner and rate of...

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Developing Palliative Care Programs in First Nations Communities: A Workbook

This workbook was developed as a guide and resource for First Nations communities to develop palliative care in their communities.


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Empathy, dignity, and respect: Creating cultural safety for Aboriginal people in urban health care

This report highlights some of the barriers to Aboriginal people seeking...

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Transforming the Way We Die

Article highlighting the essence of palliative care. 


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Pauktuutit's Cancer Glossary

Glossary containing 250 terms translated into 5 Inuktitut dialects, including the new single word to accurately describe cancer in Inuktitut...

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Caring for someone with a terminal illness: what to expect

This brochure was created by Improving End-of-Life Care in First Nations Communities Centre for Education and Research on Aging &...

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Chinese-American Outreach Guide

Free online outreach guides for health care providers to enhance access and palliative care in these diverse communities.


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