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Tout Afficher: Communication

Talking With Your Doctor: A Guide for Older People

The American National Institute on Aging has produced this helpful guide to help you to improve your communication with your...

Lire la Suite is an online resource to help people work through their grief from the comfort of their own home, at...

Lire la Suite
LGBT End-of-Life Conversations

A website dedicated to fostering effective communication, create community and facilitate care for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered persons at...

Lire la Suite
Faces of Caring

Faces of Caring is a community to share deeply human stories, advice, and resources for facing serious illness. It harnesses...

Lire la Suite
The Conversation Project (US)

Dedicated to helping people talk about their wishes for end-of-life care with families and health care providers. 


Lire la Suite
BC Cancer - Serious illness conversation guide

A conversation guide for healthcare professionals when communicating with their patients about serious illness.


Lire la Suite
Preparing Children for Funeral and Memorials

Family rituals following a death are significant events in an individual’s life, and children are no exception. Families who chose...

Lire la Suite
Care at the end of life for advanced cancer patients: When to stop cancer treatment

Information sheet on how do you know when to stop cancer treatment and questions to ask your doctor.


Lire la Suite
Kaqqutiq Inuit Cancer Glossary - Video Series

A series of videos created in many Inuit languages for individuals diagnosed with cancer, their family, friends and health care...

Lire la Suite
The Four Things that Matter Most: A Book About Living

Four simple phrases can help us through the unpredictability of daily life.


Lire la Suite