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Tout Afficher: Directives de soins de santé / La prise de décisions

PlanWell (decision-support guide)

The PlanWell website can be used to help patients better understand the different types of medical care, and what would...

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The Palliative Approach for Advanced Dementia in Long Term Care

This pamphlet was made to help persons with Dementia and their families know what to expect at the end of...

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How to Die Well

Published in The Huffington Post


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Ma Communauté

Courte vidéo animé!


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I have been asked to be a substitute decision-maker in Ontario: what does that mean?

This brochure was prepared by the Improving End-of-Life Care in First Nations Communities research project and intended to provide general...

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Indigenous Voices

First Nations, Inuit and Métis share stories about living with serious illness and grief in over 170 short video clips....

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Document de réflexion de l’ACSP sur le suicide médicalement assisté

Document de réflexion de l’Association canadienne de soins palliatifs sur le suicide médicalement assisté. 2010


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BC: Advance Care Planning Guide

Advance Care Planning Guide titled My Voice - Expressing My Wishes for Future Health Care Treatment is a free downloadable...

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Speak Up: First Nations ACP Resources

Advance care planning is a key process for supporting First Nations people to receive palliative and end-of-life care at home,...

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The Palliative Approach for Advanced Heart Failure in Long Term Care

This pamphlet was made to help persons with Heart Failure and their families know what to expect at the end...

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