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Tout Afficher: Chagrin et deuil

How To Help A Grieving Friend

This website has grief resources and helpful information for individuals supporting someone who is grieving.


Lire la Suite
Indigenous Voices

First Nations, Inuit and Métis share stories about living with serious illness and grief in over 170 short video clips....

Lire la Suite
About Grief: Insights, Setbacks, Grace Notes, Taboos

Covers a wide range of the issues related to grief in a practical and truthful manner. Used by grief groups.


Lire la Suite
Grief's Heart

Website presented by Thomas Attig, author, speaker, and applied philosopher, includes writings, resources, links, videos, and course offerings related to...

Lire la Suite
Healing the Bereaved Child: Grief Gardening, Growth Through Grief and Other Touchstones for Caregivers

This book written by Alan D. Wolfelt, PhD, Grief Counsellor, will help anyone who is working with children and teens who have experienced loss.


Lire la Suite shares the lived experience of sixty-four people from eleven cultures. Stories about traditions, rituals and spirituality, experiences of care,...

Lire la Suite
BC Cancer - Coping with Cancer resource guide

BC Cancer helps those living with or affected by cancer to cope with the physical, practical, emotional and psychological aspects...

Lire la Suite
How grief can enable nurses to endure, Tedx Talks

Alina Sato describes her personal struggle with burnout and how an internal experience with grief was the biggest culprit. She...

Lire la Suite is an online resource to help people work through their grief from the comfort of their own home, at...

Lire la Suite
Disenfranchised Grief: New Directions, Challenges, and Strategies

This book focuses on the kind of grief that is not openly acknowledged, socially validated, or publicly mourned. It...

Lire la Suite