Planning for the time left

“I just feel I have taken care of one more thing – it has brought me a strange sense of peace.”


“When I knew the date, I felt paralyzed, like a deer caught in the headlights. What was there to say? What was important enough to talk about? What would be helpful for him? Silences felt awkward, and I felt the panic of time slipping away.”


“When we knew the date, we knew exactly what we wanted to do and how we wanted to spend our time together. As hard as it was, the certainty of the day made it crystal clear where we wanted to put our energy.”


You may feel yourself watching the clock and anticipating the date and time. This can come with many contradictory feelings including being at peace, fear, loss, anger, sadness, relief, and even elation. You may feel ready to die, or you may not. Whatever your emotions, it can be important to share your feelings with someone you trust who can give you support.