
What is fatigue?

Fatigue is a feeling of extreme tiredness or a complete lack of energy.

Everyone has experienced fatigue at one time or another. When we don’t get enough rest or sleep, eat poorly, or do too many things in a day, we can become exhausted. This type of fatigue is not long lasting. When we respond to our fatigue by getting some sleep, eating well or slowing down, the feeling of tiredness goes away.

People with serious illnesses may suffer from fatigue that lasts for a long time and does not go away with sleep or rest. The tiredness may be all-encompassing, so that people feel generally weak, run out of energy very quickly, and have difficulty concentrating and staying awake. The usual activities of daily living – like dressing, bathing, or cooking – can be exhausting and seem overwhelming.

Symptoms of fatigue should be shared with health care providers so they can work together with you to help manage this problem.