Finding 2SLGBTQ inclusive care

If you’re a 2SLGBTQ+ person living with advanced illness, you may be feeling uncertain about what lies ahead. You may be wondering about how your health will be affected and about how care providers will treat you if they know you’re 2SLGBTQ+. You may have concerns about having to share personal feelings or details about your body. Perhaps you’ve had experiences that left you feeling distrustful or afraid, causing you to avoid or delay seeking healthcare.

Acknowledging these challenges and the changes you’re now facing is an important step in finding inclusive care.

“When my spouse was in palliative care, a nurse came in with a rainbow flag on her nametag. I felt so reassured when I saw that. I felt like she had a sense of familiarity with us, with who we were. I knew I had an ally, someone who knew something about my life, my world.”

Learning more about inclusive care and palliative care can help you identify what’s important to you and how to find care that works for you.